Clayworx recognizes the need to create a more socially just and environmentally sustainable future, and that all organizations need to do their part to advance these goals. We are proud to be working with Green Economy London to take action on climate change and build sustainability into our operations.
We are now one of 250+ Green Economy Leaders across the country working to measure our environmental impacts, set reduction targets, and publicly report on progress towards these goals. As part of this growing network, we’re striving to make business better, together.
Green Economy London testing our sinks during their walk through of Clayworx studios
Studio Tech, Jenny showing off our clay recycling system
T5 Florescent to LED lights
Jan 2025- Light ballast changes from T5 Fluorescent to LED lights in 2nd floor classrooms Thanks to grants received from Green Economy London & Green Economy Canada we were able to change the lights in our 2nd floor studios to LED lights! LED lights contain fewer toxic materials, require less energy to dispose of, can be recycled, and use energy far more efficiently.
Geothermal at Clayworx
Slide show & text presented during London Potters Guild/London Clay Art Centre meeting before rebrand to Clayworx in March of 2023
May 2009 - Geothermal Drilling Begins
After months of investigation and patient work with our contractors, the London Potters Guild has decided to install a geothermal HVAC system. The up front cost is significantly higher than a traditional system, but since we own the building and plan to be in it for many many years, we will recoup the investment, and the environment will benefit as well.
The London Potters Guild becomes the first commercial use of geothermal heating and cooling, and the first retro-fit using this system. 8 holes ill be drilled vertically to a depth of between 300 and 400 feet.
Geothermal HVAC systems are much more cost efficient in terms of fuel usage - 400% more efficient using electricity for cooling and 200% more efficient using gas for heating. In part, this is because they use the latent heating/cooling capacity of the earth instead of heating/cooling generated solely by burning gas for heating or by solely using electricity for cooling. The savings are greater for electric because electricity is more expensive than gas.
Our geothermal system may still use some electricity to augment heating in the winter on the coldest of days and to augment cooling in the summer on the very hottest of days, but the usage would be far less than conventional systems that use the fuel source constantly. In fact, we anticipate the back up, electric system will rarely be called into service since the system is engineered to handle the hottest and coldest days we experience in London.
We anticipate the operational cost savings enjoyed through this system to be approximately $4000 a year.
Drilling for the geothermal HVAC system started on May 11. In advance of that a few Guild members paid visits to several of 664’s closest neighbours to let them know in advance the work might be noisy. People were very appreciative that we took the time to let them know what is happening. Merchants in the Old East Village are excited about our project and there were many well wishes.